How to Select the Right Graco Spray Equipment | Intech
By Kevin MaloneWhether you are starting a new spray foam business or need to upgrade your existing SPF equipment, the experts at Intech Equipment and Supply know how much quality matters. When you use high-performing spray foam equipment, you avoid problems that often occur with low-quality machines and spray foam guns. High-quality equipment also reduces downtime that can result in delays and missed deadlines and costly repairs.
Delays cost you money, can harm your business reputation,and reduce clients' satisfaction with your work. You need the best equipment toensure your business runs smoothly and avoid common problems associated withSPF equipment. This is why Intech Equipment and Supply recommends Gracospray equipment.
We know that selecting the right spray foamequipment can be a daunting process--even for experienced contractors. Thelandscape for Graco spraymachines constantly evolves because of fresh innovations and improvements.To help you decide which equipment to select, here are a few tips from our Definitive Buying Guide.
1. Compare the Process to Buyinga Car
When you go to the dealership to buy a newcar, the salesperson shows you models that you are interested in. Once you decidewhich vehicle you want, you are then offered options to customize it to meetyour wants and needs. Just as you can add heated seats, GPS navigation, andexterior paint protection to a new car, you can choose different sizes,configurations, and power within the same model of a Graco spraymachine. As you browse through the Intech online store, you willfind that not Graco sprayequipment within the same model has the same specs.
For example, you can select a machine or getit as part of a total package. It is also possible to customize the type ofheater to get the right amount of power you need for the jobs you do. The rightconfiguration promises the best functionality and performance for your needs. Ifyou have a small-scale operation, you do not need a sophisticated, powerfulmachine. If you handle large commercial projects, you need equipment with highpower and output.
2: Determine What Pump DriveSystem You Need
One of the first considerations for your Graco spray machine should be the pump drive system. This will determine the foam output, maintenance frequency, and power requirements of your Graco spray equipment. Currently, you have three choices:
- Pros:
- The most budget-friendly SPFsystem available.
- Requires less power than electric andhydraulic machines.
- Excellent for small jobs andtouch-ups.
- Cons:
- Less powerful output.
- Not suited for mid- and large-volumejobs.
- Restricted to basic functionality.
- Pros:
- Versatile enough for residentialand small commercial jobs.
- Middle-of-the-road on both priceand output.
- Delivers a higher foam output thanair-powered systems.
- Cons
- Power demand is higher than thatof an air-powered machine.
- Costs more than air-drivensystems.
- Pros:
- Uses the newest technology.
- Best output and performanceconsistency.
- Ideal for large-scale jobs andpolyurethane applications.
- Cons:
- More expensive than electric andair-driven systems.
- Requires more power than electricand air-driven systems.
3: Determine Other Factors
Once you have decided which type of system youwant, you can review the list of other features and decide which ones you wantor need. Here are some key considerations:
- Power requirements: Before you buy, consider the electrical capacity of your typical job site. Check if you will need a generator to have enough power.
- Output rates: Higher outputs mean you can produce more spray foam in a shorter amount of time. However, this speed comes at a cost. So choose the right output to balance your budget and business needs.
- Heating requirements: Since differentmaterials require different temperatures, be sure to select equipment that willheat your chemicals to the right temperature.
- Pressure rates: Different chemicals move atdifferent pressure rates from the drums to the gun. Your equipment must meetthis specification to work with the materials you need to use.
4: Stick to Your Budget
When you ask us to build you a custom sprayfoam rig, we tailor each specification to best reflect your needs and budget.If you would like to order high-quality Graco spray equipment but are short on budget, wea 12-month financing program with 0% interest on select new equipment,including Graco spraymachines. This deal can help you get the best possible equipment andstay within your budget. Check out our financing calculator to get more details onyour payment options for Graco equipment.
Graco Spray Equipment At IntechEquipment & Supply
If you have any questions about which Graco spray machine isthe best fit for your operation and budget, contact us to talk about youroptions. We will help you get the equipment you need to grow your business.
Contact us. Our team is readyto meet your unique equipment and accessory needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.