Advantages of Akurate Dynamics Spray Foam Hoses | Intech
By Kevin MaloneAkurateDynamics Spray Foam Hoses Are Perfect for Your Proportioner
Heatedhoses are a vital piece among your SPF equipment. Both ISO and resin flowthrough these conduits to ultimately meet and produce spray foam insulation.The quality of your hoses makes a big difference in the viscosity and stabilityof these materials throughout the application process. At Intech Equipment andSupply, we deliver the best equipment for our clients.
Akurate Dynamics recently created the Deltalite Heated Hose, an internally heated hose that has the potential to become a game changer in the spray foam industry. Unlike conventional heating elements, this hose keeps materials in direct contact with the heating element throughout its length. We believe this is an outstanding product that especially benefits contractors who consistently operate in cold climates.
Hereis our product spotlight:
Akurate Dynamics: Company Spotlight
Akurate Dynamics LLC is a Texas-based business that was founded in 2011. This company is passionate about developing cutting-edge spray foam technology through rigorous research and engineering. They proudly manufacture all their products in the United States.
What Sets the DeltaliteHeated Hose Apart?
The Deltalite heated hose differs from conventional heating elements in several ways:
- Faster & MoreResponsive Heating: Unlike conventional heating elements, this hose heatsmaterials from within, not merely insulating them as they are processed from anexterior heating element. This results in faster startups and rapid temperatureadjustment.
- Diverse TemperatureSettings:You can set different temperatures for the separate hoses that carry ISO andresin to meet their unique needs.
- Segmented SeriesHeating:Hose sectionsautomatically activate to only apply heat to sections that need it.
- Compatibility withVarious Spray Foam Machines: The Deltalite Heated Hose has a proportioner hose controller thatallows contractors to use it with machines from various brands like Graco, PMC,and Gusmer.
- ExtremeDurability: Thesehoses are wrapped with a ballistic grade nylon cover.
Internal Heating Element
Currentspray foam technology utilizes a heating element that's outside of the hose. Akurate Dynamics's Deltalite Heated Hose differs in how it's internallyheated and has a heat trace wire that runs through its entire length.
Thisproduct ensures that your SPF materials stay the same temperature from theproportioner until it reaches the gun. This is especially useful when you'reapplying spray foam in cold climates. Also, instead of maintaining thetemperature achieved from conventional heating, you can heat the chemicalwithin the hose. This results in more energy-efficient heating since heatdoesn't get lost through the hose's walls. Internal heating also enables afaster startup and temperature adjustments compared to traditionalmethods.
Separate Temperature Settings
Theexperienced SPF contractor knows that it's nearly impossible to have the sameviscosity when the ISO and resin are at the same temperature. This is whyAkurate's hose allows you to offset hose A and B's temperatures internally tomatch their dynamic pressures.
Thebest viscosity for ideal applications is only achieved when the chemicalreaction is closer to the manufacturer's specified yield. These hoses allow youto match the temperature requirements for both ISO and resin separately to getthe best results.
Series Heating
Thisproduct has up to fourindependent sections that have their own heat sensors. Each section uses a temperature sensorto automatically activate when needed.. For example, if a segment of the hose isindoors, , the heating element in that hose section will automaticallyturn off. , so it won't overcookthe chemicals.
Meanwhile,the rest of the hose that is outside on the snow can remain heated to keep theISO and resin warm enough for peak viscosity.
Notonly does this feature prevent a waste in energy, but it also protects the materialswithin the hose. With smart sensors, you don't have to worry about cooking thechemicals, wasting valuable time and assets.
Controllers That Are Compatible with Top Brand Proportioners
Thisproduct also pairs with a revolutionary hose controller to make it compatible with proportioners of differentbrands. This special control box allows you to operate the hose on machines from various brandslike Graco, PMC, and Gusmer. If you have any questions about this hose's compatibilitywith your existing proportioners, wewe'll be happy to assist you.
Shop for Spray Foam Insulation Equipment at Intech
AtIntech Equipment and Supply, we aim to supply your spray foam business with thebest equipment that will save you time and boost your productivity.
Contact us today to order Akurate Dynamics Hoses or any other equipment to meet your spray foam needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.