Best Diesel-Powered Generators from WINCO
By Kevin MaloneSince 1927, WINCO has provided power solutionsto commercial job sites and for private use at home, satisfying the market'sneed for practical and affordable generators. By keeping touch with its smallcompany roots, it values both its employees and customers, standing by its corevalues of integrity and quality.
You can find some of the best diesel generators from WINCO. When your rig needs to run and there is no power source in sight, WINCO generators step up to the challenge. At Intech Equipment and Supply, we have a variety of generators that can power everything from single-phase to three-phase equipment. Here are the best diesel generators from WINCO.
The Diesel Generator: ACommercial Contractor's Staple
If you predominantly perform commercial jobs,then you will most likely need diesel generators.Commercial vehicles and freight require diesel fuel to generate enough torqueto move heavy loads. Likewise, most commercial generators require diesel fuelbecause it provides an extra punch of power to energize such high-demandequipment.
When you need to keep a large system runningwhen there is no shore power near you, then a diesel generator will help youconfidently finish your work. These generators give you the confidence to befully self-reliant and ready to work anywhere and anytime. The followingproducts are a couple of the best sellers and top recommendations from theexperts at Intech Equipment and Supply.
WINCO 23KW Stationary Diesel Generator
The WINCO DE23 is a powerful stationary 23kw diesel generator that makes it a snap to enter the Tier IV Final market. After outfitting your rig with fully self-reliant and rugged power, there is no need to look for a power source when you have all you need in your rig. WINCO's DE23 comes with convenient new features, such as improved controls, a more powerful engine, easy-to-service components, and other intelligent features. If you have been looking for a better generator, here it is. These are the highlights about this product:
- Powerful Engine: An Isuzu 4LE2T, 4-cylinder 1,800 RPM engine powers this model. Its energy and ability to provide seamless power flow will impress you.
- Deep Sea 7310 MKII controller: If complicated control panels have frustrated you in the past, you will love this dynamic and powerful digital controller that has an easy-to-navigate user interface.
- Stamford Generator End: This industrial alternator's conductors react to produce clean power for all types of applications.
- Smart Battery Charger: The D323 has a 3-stage, 2-amp trickle battery charger to keep your generator running.
- Block Heater: This 120Vin-line Kim Hotstart block heater with thermostat allows expert temperature control and management.
- Powder Coat Paint: The DE23 has a durable finish that keeps its luster for a long time.
- UL2200 Listed: The DE23 meets all safety standards for stationary generators in its class.
- 100% Load Tested: WINCO load tests every generator before it leaves the factory, so every customer gets a quality product.
WINCO DE4040 -Generator & Compressor Combo
This is another generator that will give youaccess to the exciting Tier IV Final Market. The WINCO DE4040 Diesel generator can power yourequipment anywhere with its smooth controls, dependable power, and intelligentfeatures. It has a new and improved engine, an easier-to-service setup, and theability to remote start your unit. Here are more details about this excellentdiesel generator.
- A Larger Engine: While most Tier IV Finalstend to have smaller engines, the DE4040 is equipped with the FPT F5 series3.4L engine. Why? WINCO believes that more engine is crucial for a longer lifeand better responsiveness.
- Cummins Industrial Generator End: Thisgenerator's alternators come with automatic voltage regulation.
- Electronic Common Rail: This smart fuelinjection system is made with high-pressure valves that allow premium frequencycontrol and load pick-up.
- Radiator Ducting: Expertly designed to allowthe generator to get closer to your venting system for an easier installationand reduction in air recirculation.
- Fork Pockets: These conveniently locatedpockets make it possible to lift the unit from all directions.
- DSE7310 Controller: This smart digitalcontroller allows the user to remote start and monitor job progress and stats.
Intech Equipment & Supply offers a varietyof diesel generatorsat all price ranges and sizes. Speak with one of our sales representatives tofind a diesel generator and other equipment that you need to make your rigcomplete. Our online store has the latest selection of the best from WINCO andother brands to keep you in top productivity.
WINCO DieselGenerators for Sale at Intech Equipment & Supply
Intech Equipment andSupply offers the latest spray foam equipment, training, and comprehensivecustomer support. Also, take advantage of our convenient financing options. Formore information, check out our financing calculator.
If you are interested in learning more about WINCO diesel generators,please contact us.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.