Critical Sprayfoam Equipment for Contractors | Intech

By Kevin Malone

Critical Sprayfoam Equipment for Roofing Contractors

Theroofing insulation industry demands diligence in both the operation and care ofyour sprayfoam equipment.Experienced SPF contractors are all too familiar with daily cleaning, periodictroubleshooting, and the never-ending quest to reduce downtime. 

Toapply polyurea well, the conditions for your materials must be precise. Thismeans that you need the best equipment that ensure your spray foam is processedat the right pressure and temperatures. This is especially important if youwork in the roofing industry, which usually requires around 30 lbs of sprayfoam per minute. Here is the critical sprayfoam equipment for roofingcontractors that you should have in your rig.

TheSpray Foam Rig

The types of rigs spray foam contractors use range from mini trailers to large units that can house generators and multiple proportioners. You can be a small business and just need a couple of small rigs or be extremely busy with high-volume work and own a fleet. 

However,no matter what type of business you run, it's impossible to carry out jobsquickly or efficiently without a rig that can store all your necessaryequipment and protect them from hazardous weather conditions. 

Choosinga spray foam rig is an easier process when you get the experts at Intechinvolved. After discussing the needs of your business, we can match you withthe right size rig. We can also customize your rig and sell new and usedvehicles to match your budget.

A Reliable Spray Foam Machine 

Thenext step is to get a proportioner that has a good reputation in the spray foamindustry. This is where your materials are processed, and the bulk of the'magic' happens. Since your spray foam machine will be the mainworker in your equipment arsenal, it should be a thoughtful investment. 

Accordingto the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance, the recommended output for roofingapplications is up to 30 lb/min. Here are a few machines that meet thisqualification.

  • The Graco Reactor 2 E30 Elite is an excellent mid-to-high output proportioner. It is hydraulic powered, which boasts the greatest longevity among spray foam machine types. It has the ideal 30 lbs/minute output that roofing contractors need. It also has 15.3 kW of available heat, which can keep your material at the right temperature even when you are working in cold weather. This machine is equipped with Graco's convenient InSite Reporting Technology through which users to check on its operations remotely.
  • If you prefer the equally great brand PMC, then either the PHX-25 or the PHX-40 will meet most roofing application needs. The PHX-25 has a maximum output of 25 lbs per minute, which makes it better for medium-scale jobs, while the PHX-40 processes up to 40 lbs per minute and is ideal for high-volume roofing work. 

SprayFoam Guns

Heavyguns are starting to become a thing of the past as manufacturers continue topursue lightweight models that combat user fatigue. Roofing guns should also beable to handle a minimum output of 30 lbs/ minute. Here are some of ourrecommendations:

  • PMC'sAP-2 Air Purge Gun and its recent update, the AP-3, are both great picks formid to high volume roofing jobs. The AP-2 has a maximum output of 40 lbs/minute while the AP-3 can spray up to 50 lbs/ minute. Both products weigh under2.6 lbs.
  • Graco'sProbler 2 is easy to maneuver to reach tight corners and areas that more bulkyguns can't reach. It also weighs around 3 lbs, which reduces the need forcontractor breaks due to fatigue. It has a double piston design that provides atriggering force over 300 lbs. It also has a maximum output of 40 lbs perminute.

More Spray Foam Essentials

Manufacturersare continually coming up with the next innovations to protect your materialsand equipment. Here are some products that will save you time and make yourapplications better.

  • Extendreach wands
    • Reducethe need for scaffolds and ladders to save you time
  • SprayGun Parts
    • Mixchamber
    • Extratips of various sizes and shapes
    • Extrareplacement parts
    • Cleaningsolution
  • Otherreplacement parts & maintenance items
    • O-rings
    • Lubricant
  • Storagesolutions
    • Hoseracks
    • Cabinetry
  • Safetyequipment
  • DrumHeaters
  • Internallyheated hoses
  • Sprayfoam kits

Tofind even more products and solutions that will make operating your spray foambusiness more convenient, ask us!

Shop for Spray FoamInsulation Equipment at Intech

To get the critical spray foam equipment for roofing contractors need and discover more great products that we have in stock, contact us at Intech Equipment & Supply.

About Kevin Malone
Kevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.


Intech Equipment & Supply was founded in 1995, and has since grown to become the leader in spray foam equipment, mobile spray foam rigs, and parts supplier. With locations all across North America we are available when you need us most.
