The Truth About Buying A Used Spray Foam Rig
By Kevin MaloneNow that more clients are choosing spray foam insulation over fiberglass, spray foam contractors are expanding their fleets of rigs to keep up with the consumer demand. To stay on top of profits and production, it is necessary to have dependable equipment. However, sometimes buying new, full-priced equipment can be taxing on your budget.
This is why buying used spray foam equipment can be a great option for the budget-conscious.
But before you add used equipment to your sprayfoam rig, you need to make sure it is a quality product. Applying spray foamrequires specialized equipment that processes materials at specific conditions.The wrong temperature, viscosity, or ratio can result in spray foam thatdoesn't work.
In a world where used items come with an unwritten caveat, we want to change the game. When you buy a used spray foam rig at Intech Equipment and Supply, you can be confident that the products have been checked meticulously.
When you look for sprayfoam equipment, every dollar counts. Check our store for verified, tested usedequipment that is guaranteed to work. This way, you can get the most for yourbottom line.
The Truth about Buying Used Rigs
When you decide to purchase used spray foam rig for sale, you may have questions about the process. Here are some short answers to frequently asked questions.
- Our inventory is dynamic: Our used equipment changes based on inventory but passes our high standards. If you check our online store periodically, you can find some outstanding used equipment and rigs. If you don't see what you're looking for right now, or if you need some guidance on what to pick, call to let our experienced team assist you.
- Weverify the equipment's history:Unlike personal sales or other distributors, our used equipment and rigs areverified for their functionality and maintenance history. If it has not beenwell-maintained or it is not working, we don't list it.
- Werefurbish some of our used equipment: Everything we list is cleaned, tuned up, and maintained before itreaches your warehouse. You won't find untested or dirty equipment from ourstore, nor will you have to worry about missing parts.
- We helpyou save money: New equipmentcomes with a higher cost than used, but after it is used even once, its valuedepreciates. This loss of value naturally happens after the equipment can nolonger qualify as 'new'. However, whenyou buy used equipment, you don't pay the full price that is attributed to newproducts. Yet, you can get the same great performance and comparable lifespan.That sounds like a win-win situation for any budget-conscious contractor.
- You canfind products with great value: Withregular maintenance, used spray foam equipment can help you save money. This isespecially useful when buying big-ticket items like proportioners and sprayfoam rigs. However, all the savings add up when you find great supplementalpieces like spray foam guns, generators, and accessories as a discount offretail prices.
Customize Your Used Rig
Because the availabilityof used equipment varies based on what we receive, the types of used trucks,trailers, and equipment you find will change regularly. Depending on what isavailable, you can pick what you want and customize your used rig based on yourdesired yield and productivity. If we don't have the equipment you want rightnow, check again later or call us, and you may find what you need.
We can work with you tofind a good combination of equipment for your used custom spray foam rig. Doyou want to wait for all used products, trailer and equipment included, or areyou interested in buying a new trailer and outfitting it with a mixture of newand used products? We can direct you to different sizes and styles of trucksand trailers to help you get the best storage solutions for your business.Then, as our inventory allows, we can match you with generators, spray guns,proportioners, and compressors that would be compatible with your used rigequipment setup.
With our vast product knowledge and strong relationships with top spray foam brands, we are skilled at customizing used spray foam rigs for our clients. We're ready to help you anytime.
Used Spray Foam Insulation Rigs For Sale
Intech Equipment and Supply is a full-servicespray foam equipment and parts supplier. Our online store features a massivecatalog of trusted industry manufacturers, providing the best in spray foamindustry equipment? new and used ? all backed by our expert service.
Contact us. we'd love to talk with you about your used spray foam equipment, rigs, and accessory needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.