Why You Need a Graco Spray Pump in Your Rig
By Kevin MaloneRegardless of the market you serve, havingversatile equipment is essential to your success. If you need to applyindustrial coatings, a Graco spray pumpcan give you the extra edge you need to expand your business as well as supportexisting projects. Gracocoating pumps have been recognized as the gold standard for airlesscoating sprayers for over three decades.
The GH 'Big Rig' series, in particular, is arunning favorite. These powerful, versatile sprayers have an incrediblematerial range. They are used in many markets but are essential in the roofingindustry where thorough application of elastomeric coatings, coal tar bases,and other waterproofing elements is critical.
Intech Equipment and Supply is an award-winning, top distributor of Graco protective coating equipment. Since we carry the latest and best Graco spray foam and coating equipment we can help when you are ready for your next upgrade and can recommend the solutions for your business needs and budget. If you work on projects that require the application of protective coatings or want to expand your business to offer this service, we can help you get started.
If you are researching and evaluating spraypumps, these are some reasons you should put Graco coating pumps at the top of your list.
Your Current Sprayer Is Lacking
One of the most common reasons contractorsneed a Graco spray pumpis they need an equipment upgrade. If you own an older coating pump or one froma lesser-known brand, you may find you are unable to complete jobs efficiently.Replacement parts may also be hard to find and it may be difficult to get thetechnical and customer support that you need. Graco spray pumps are manufactured by a marketleader that works with partners who offer excellent service and support. They arealso optimized to minimize downtime due to maintenance and repairs.
At Intech, we always advise clients who needwant maximum uptime to look for equipment with excellent lifetime values. Graco spray pumps aredesigned to be easy to troubleshoot and maintain because they are designed withbusy contractors' needs in mind. We frequently recommend Graco coating pumps becausethey offer the following benefits.
- They can handle the entire job. Noobscure or special tools are required.
- Parts and components are easilyaccessible and disassembly is rarely required, which makes user maintenanceeasy.
- They are designed with convenientaccess points like easily-to-remove covers.
- Graco spray pumps offer convenientplaces to store essential tools and parts, which makes them convenient for users.
- Graco is a stable company and replacementparts are readily available for all products. They are also reasonably pricedand easy to find at your preferred distributor.
When You Need Consistent Results,Go with Proven Equipment
When you need to prime and paint or applyelastomeric coatings to a commercial roof, nobody wants to deal with overspraying and under spraying problems or clogged tips. Graco has optimized allits sprayers to prevent these problems.
For instance, the GH 300 Sprayer is one of themost powerful hydraulic sprayers and is trusted by contractors for many typesof projects. It includes convenient features like Graco Pro Connect that makeit easy to remove and replace the pump. The GH-300's versatile material rangeincludes acrylics, latex, elastomeric coatings, block fillers, drywall mud,primers and paint.
Graco Spray Pumps Save Space
When you own a Graco coating pump,you can spray a variety of materials that can enhance the results of your jobswithout toting around another expensive air compressor. This is a majoradvantage for contractors who work on both spray foam and roofing projects. Sinceyou do not need a second air compressor, you can take a single rig to a jobsite instead of needing more drivers to bring a fleet. These are top-selling Graco spray pumps that offersomething unique and save space in your rig:
- GH-933: This high-pressure unit is made for the toughest materials and long hose runs.
- GH-833: A versatile sprayer that comes with handy time-saving features that busy contractors need.
- GH-733ES: With electric start and a wide range of applications, this model is well-favored in many markets.
- GMAX II-7900: A true powerhouse with many uses, it is a favorite in roofing for its tough design and portability.
Intech Equipment and Supply is proud to offer the latestGraco products. Contact usto learn how Graco spray pumps can deliver superior results on projects. Also, take advantageof our convenient financing options. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.