Your Source for Spray Foam Trailers and Rigs | Intech
By Kevin MaloneIntech: YourSource for Spray Foam Trailers and Rigs
Spray foam contractors rely on their trailers and rigs daily to protect their equipment and to move from one job site to another. Without an all-inclusive place to store machines, guns, hoses, and accessories, working with SPF would be disorganized, time-consuming, and inconvenient.
Investing in the right sized spray foam rig that is appropriate for work you do has long-term positive effects on your SPF business. Intech Equipment & Supply is your best source for spray foam trailers and rigs. We can customize nearly any type of rig from scratch or outfit it with a variety of equipment packages.
Contractorswho want to maximize their productivity and efficiency may also want to addmore rigs to their fleet so they can tackle different job sites at once.Growing businesses must always assess the flow of work that is coming in andincrease their capacity to meet the demand.
Thecustomer support at Intech can help you select the right spray foam trailer for sale that can help you take on your workloadconfidently.
Spray Foam Trailers:Prepared for Everything
Cuttingcorners and using basic work vehicles to transport SPF equipment can havelong-term negative impacts on your business. You risk these situations:
- Damagingequipment from not securing them properly or inclement weather
- Materialdrums stored at improper temperatures.
- Wastingtime by having to use several vehicles to transport all your equipment.
- Disorganizationthat causes more delays.
Onthe other hand, spray foam rigs are specifically customized for storing,insulating, and protecting spray foam machines, equipment, guns, hoses,materials, and accessories. They will protect your business and reduce yourdowntime in the field.
Typesof Rigs
AtIntech, we offer several types of spray foam rigs that meet the unique needs ofevery contractor, from the entry-level entrepreneur to the established companythat habitually performs high-volume commercial jobs.
- Box Trucks: We outfit your equipmentdirectly into a box truck so that you have a truly 'all-in-one'experience. These are also the largest rigs we offer, so they are the perfectproduct for a contractor who is used to high-output applications.
- Towable Trailers: This spray foam insulation trailer hooks onto the back of any standard work vehicle or truck and can come in varioussizes. it also varies in length and height to suit different price points andstorage needs. Most contractors use a towable trailer due to its highversatility and convenience.
- Compact Units: Small rigs are thenewest addition to our lineup of rigs, but they are growing in popularity.These are the smallest units you can find and are best suited for entry-levelcontractors. They can also be a good support unit for a large fleet, enablingcontractors to send someone to take care of a small job anytime.
The Interstate Series:Best Seller for 10 years and Counting
At Intech Equipment and Supply, we like to recommend our best sellers. After all, these are the products our clients come back to and reorder, so they have proven results. The Interstate Series spray foam rig has been the best-selling spray foam rig model at our store for more than 10 years.
Ithas these features:
- Anergonomic layout
- Designedto meet the demands of a full work week
- Builton a 16' extended height trailer
- 'Turnkey'- having everything you need to start working right away
- Tightlyinsulated to keep materials at the right temperature during any season.
- Cansupport contractors who spray up to two sets of open or closed cell SPF perday.
- Low-maintenanceengine and compressors
- Weightof floor plan makes it easily towed behind a ? HD to a 1-ton pickup.
- Freefactory training comes with its purchase.
TheInterstate Series rig can also be fitted with a variety of equipment packages.This allows contractors to control how much they invest in their rig. This alsoensures that the equipment selected meets their unique output and applicationneeds.
Spray Rig Equipment Packages
We have assembled hundreds of SPF equipment packages to help our clients fulfill their job requirements. Our store has a selection of preset spray foam equipment packages but we also can easily customize them to accommodate the applications and materials you use.
We'realways collecting feedback from working contractors to influence the way wedesign and build our packages. We also pressure test them after they are fullyassembled so that we're sure that you're getting the best products.
Find the Right SprayInsulation Trailer For Sale
At Intech Equipment and Supply, we can build you an excellent spray foam rig using any of our equipment packages. Contact us to speak to our customer support!
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.