12 Months 0% Interest

Need a new spray foam rig, but don't have the capital? We are now offering special financing to help you grow your business. Approval required, please contact your sales rep today for more information.


Foam Saw

For your foam insulation saw options, select from the Hutchins Huster Saw, the Milwaukee Tools Foam Saw, or Ingersoll Rand saw.

Ingersoll Rand offers an air driven foam saw featuring an Ingersoll Rand motor for removing ½ pound foam insulation. Driven by comfort and effectiveness, Ingersoll Rand’s saw is user friendly, and will save time during the prep and removal process. Order a conversion kit for easy bolt-on design that allows you to remove foam faster than ever before. The conversion kit provides added safety and comfort in essentially every cutting position.

Milwaukee Tools foam saw is backed by the Milwaukee Tools expert engineering. Designed specifically for trimming foam insulation. Order the Milwaukee Tools conversion kit for added comfort and safety!

Hutchins Hustler saw for foam insulation for removal and prep has been perfected over the years, provided durable, efficient operation with a steady grip. Made in the USA, you can modify or rebuild this foam saw – providing even more versatility.

Shop saws, replacement saw blades, conversions kits and more from the Insulation Station here at Intech Equipment and Supply Online. You don’t have to break the budget the get quality, reliable equipment – and Ingersoll Rand, Hutchins Hustler and Milwaukee Tools provide excellent solutions for trimming foam insulation. Browse all top industry manufacturers, backed by Intech expert support, from the convenience of your home or office.


Intech Equipment & Supply was founded in 1995, and has since grown to become the leader in spray foam equipment, mobile spray foam rigs, and parts supplier. With locations all across North America we are available when you need us most.
